50+ wishes on Happy father’s day

Here are 50+ wishes on Happy father’s day

  1. I want to say to you one thing you are my inspiration.
  2. If god exists then it can’t be anyone other than you.
  3. I don’t admire anyone as do to you.
  4. You believe it or not I tolerate your wife for you.
  5. Someone like you people calls them god I call him dad.
  6. If you are with me I feel very secure and safe.
  7. You are my favourite companion.
  8. You are like the sun on winter days very convenient and needed most of my life.
  9. Best person to pass the time with.

———————–50+ wishes on Happy father’s day—————————

50+ wishes on Happy father's day

100+ Top happy birthday quotes and wishes for your best friend

  1. You are my favourite entertainment.
  2. I don’t like when people fight but it’s entertaining when you fight with mom.
  3. I like your sense of humor when you argue with mom.
  4. It’s you from whom I learn to fight.
  5. You are my favourite storyteller.
  6. When you tell about your childhood it’s very relatable to my life.
  7. I love it when you tell my favourite stories again and again for making me laugh.
  8. The hardest duty in this world is dad duty.
  9. It takes time to be a dad from men.
  10. Dads life is like a matchstick who burns himself fully to light up others.

Father’s Day Quote few more..

  1. You hide your emotions to make us laugh and happy.
  2. I don’t like you when you lie to me to make me happy.
  3. It’s just unbelievable in this world a person like you exist.
  4. You will be with me forever then I will study, promise dad.
  5. I’m a boy growing up in the shade of an ideal man.
  6. If anyone in this world can claim that this person will be always there, it’s only you.
  7. Sometimes our fathers sacrifice their dreams to fulfil our little wishes happily.

50+ wishes on Happy father's day

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  1. our father gave us name and identity in this huge world.
  2. Thousand gods name are just other world for father.
  3. I don’t need 2nd person in this world if you are with me.
  4. You are like my heartbeat I can’t listen it until I want to but it’s always there and most important for life.
  5. Fathers are only who never say no for anything.
  6. World are beautiful but not without you.
  7. Father give us courage to walk fearlessly because we know he is there to hold.
  8. My Father has been always wonder and mystery for me.
——————————————— wishes on Happy father’s day————————————-
  1. Fathers are just god of light who makes our life brights and beautiful.
  2. They are always ready to give their everything for their kids smile.
  3. Not seeing you for one day felt bad day and incomplete.
  4. Fathers comes from our dreamland to fulfill them.
  5. Fathers are only who live to only give.
  6. You face many problems for us without telling us.
  7. No one can understand me in this world except you.

—————————————————-50+ wishes on Happy father’s day—————————————————-

  1. I learnt the act of giving and forgiving only by seeing you.
  2. I don’t know whether I’ll be able to make you proud or not but I must say I’m the proudest daughter.
  3. You give me more than you can and I deserve.
  4. Until you are with me this world is worth living.
  5. I don’t care what others do or say I just believe that you are my god.
  6. Papa is not a world it contain our life and feelings.

——————————————————-50+ wishes on Happy father’s day————————————————-

  1. You are my lion king from whom I learn to roar.
  2. Father is real superheroes who exist in each home.
  3. You spent yourself on us without expecting anything from us.